Tohu Wa Bohu - Secret of the Golden Flower Meditation with Kirby de Lanerolle
Tohu Wa Bohu – The formless void of nothingness is the genesis of the matrix. An ancient echo from a seeker in the night “How can a man be born a second time one asks”. Elijah’s ascent up the dark mountain is this journey. The crucible from death to life. The re-entering of the primordial womb of creation. Out of chaotic darkness shines bright the face of Christ. An initiation to be repeated, and never the same. The most important initiation that is in every mystic’s destiny.
The Tohu Wa-Bohu has been conceptualized by studying the desert fathers Hesychasm’s. It was known by Diadochos of Photiki, Gregory Palamas & St. John of Sinai as a ‘Ladder of Divine’ accent that goes beyond concepts, language & images into stillness and dispassion.
The desert fathers teach the realization of the energy of God as “light” and breathing the Divine names as praying without ceasing.
Surprisingly “The Secret of the Golden Flower” (written originally in AD 600’s) which is universally accepted as a Taoist Classic contains many a mention of biblical concepts and narratives with stark similarity. One such parallel is a practice similar to Elijah’s ascent up the dark mountain (Tohu Wa-Bohu). These protocols employed once investigated by historians and mystics were found to be following biblical narratives and concepts.
With further investigation the true source of this seemingly extra-Christian document previously deemed as ‘Eastern’ or even ‘New Age’, The English translator of this text: Rev. Richard Wilhelm conjectured that the Secret of the Golden Flower could actually be an encrypted Christian Text hidden and encrypted due to the persecution faced by Nestorian Christians living in China in the 6th Century.
This text mentions that practitioners might experience an emancipation from the “body of death” which draws significant parallels to Romans 7:24. It is also mentioned that after 90-days of this practice mystics emerge as the “shining ones” reversing the light within self.
Jesus states that the kingdom of God is within us and that our eye must be full of light in order that the flesh be enlightened. This orthopraxy facilitates the submission of the ego self by the separation of soul & spirit. Polarity is reconciled into oneness and the mystic emerges mature and alchemised in their call.

Watch Lessons 1 to 8 (Day 1 to 24) Free Right Here



A Timeline of Nestorian Christianity in Sri Lanka and China Leading up to the Secret of the Golden Flower.

AD 52
Thomas the Apostle of Jesus is said to have cast lots and chosen to travel east. He traveled through Persia, then India, and also visited an obscure island known as ‘Taprobane’ (the Ancient Greek name for Sri Lanka).
He establishes several churches in South East Asia Region all which are known as the Church of the East. Which later becomes the Nestorian Church.
A cross discovered in 1912 was concluded to be built as part of the Nestorian Christian Colony (The Church of the East) dating before AD 500. Based on evidence contained in a 6th-century manuscript called ‘Christian Topography’, Humphrey Codrington, wrote in his book, A Short History of Ceylon, that “about A.D. 500 we
read of a Persian colony; a Nestorian cross undoubtedly belonging to this community is to be seen in the Anuradhapura museum”. In 1984 an archaeological find at Manthai confirmed the existence of Persian Christians (Members of the Church of the East) in Sri Lanka, including a seal with a Nestorian cross, with similar stylistic features to the Anuradhapura cross.
AD 700
60 years pass and there are monasteries practicing doctrines of the Church of the East constructed in over 100 cities all across China. Sadly, this era was not to last…
The Church of the East in China receives persecution from Confucius sects which lead them to encrypt their Christian texts. One such encrypted text is the “Secret of the golden Flower”.
AD 445
While the western church’s reach was still confined the European region, the Church of the East had already established itself along the silk route in Sri Lanka on its way to China.
AD 635
Bishop Alopen from the Byzantine regions of the Church of the East brings Nestorian Christianity to China. Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty reads through the bible and promptly sends out a decree over all of China asking that the precepts of this new religion which he called: ‘The Religion of Light / Luminous Religion’ (Chin-tan-Chiao) be translated to Chinese and be spread across all of China. Archeological Surveys confirm that there were at least 3000 Christian monks working in Chinese daos practicing this new religion of Light and serving as members of the Church of the East.
AD 1931
The encrypted text is translated by Rev. Richard Wilhelm. The Secret of the Golden Flower which was forwarded by Carl Jung confirms that the teachings on it were actually Christian mystical meditations that were encrypted because of the persecution by the Confucius Sects.
A few quotes from the book Secret of the Golden Flower by Rev. Richard Wilhelm
Rev. Wilhelm describes the nature and reasoning of the somewhat encrypted language used in The Secret of the Golden Flower that differs from familiar Christian lingo. In his foreword of his translation of the book along with Carl Jung he explains the complicated methods undertaken by Christian Priests of the Chinese Dao’s in the Tang dynasty to encrypt The Secret of the Golden Flower to present itself as a primarily Buddhist and Taoist text for the sole purpose of evading the scrutiny of those looking to destroy Nestorian Christian documents during the raids by the Confucius sects in AD 700.
“In the Chin-tan-chaio (Luminous Religion) there has been a strong admixture of Nestorian ideas which are also evident in the present manuscript. Some of these ideas seem very odd in their strange dress, while others take on a remarkable, new sort of vitality…”
“Perhaps it will strike many a European Reader as remarkable that appear in the texts sayings familiar to him from Christian teachings. While on the other hand these same well known things which in Europe are often taken as Ecclesiastical phrasing are here given quite a different perspective. Because of the psychological connection in which they are used….”
“In T’ang period the religion of a Turkic tribe, the Uigurs, who were allied with the Emperor, was the Nestorian branch of Christianity; it stood in high favor, as is witnessed by the well-known Nestorian monument in Sianfu erected in 781, and bearing both a Chinese and a Syriac inscription. Thus connections between the Nestorians and Chin-tan-chaio (Luminous Religion) are quite possible…..”
“Timothy Richard went so far as to consider the Chin-tan-chiao (Luminous Religion) simply a survival of the old Nestorians. He was led to his view by certain agreement in ritual and certain traditions of the Chin-tan-Chiao (Luminous Religion) membership which approach closely to Christian practice……”
“He even goes so far as to identify Lu Yen, the founder of Chin-tan-chiao (Luminous Religion), with the Adam who wrote the text of the Nestorian moment and signs himself with the Chinese name Lu Hsiu-yen. According to this hypothesis, Lu Yen, the founder of the Chin-tan-chaio (Luminous Religion), would have been a Christian of the Nestorian confession!……”
Tohu Wa Bohu - Meditation Program by
Kirby de Lanerolle
This “Tohu Wa Bohu” program by Kirby de Lanerolle will be a launch into the meditative practices of the mystery school tradition.
is a Sri Lankan Christian Mystic and Co-Founder of WOWLife Church and the overseer of the Apostolic Diocese of Ceylon.
Christianity has had deep roots in Sri Lanka history far before its colonization. Howbeit this type of Christianity (Nestorian) underwent persecution by the institutionalized Christian conquest of the Portuguese in the 18th century. Many historians have recorded that over 1800 years ago the Eastern Church travelled through “Taprobane (Sri Lanka)” to China and were welcomed by kings and emperors. One specific Chinese Emperor of the Tang dynasty (600 AD) decreed Christianity as the “Religion of Light” (Luminous Religion) to the Chinese Tao and Rishis. Nonetheless one must credit the reach and influence that historically took place in the inculcation of many Christian Practices into other ancient Eastern Philosophies.
Rev. Richard Wilhelm with a forward by Carl Jung translated “The Secret of the Golden Flower”. He conjectured that the Nestorian Christians encrypted, many of their religious texts during times of persecution, which according to him are stated and apparent in the writings of this book. In these sessions “The Secret of the Golden Flower” will be elucidated from that perspective.
Join Kirby de Lanerolle in harnessing the unfettered depth and power of the vast mind of Christ.