Luminous Tablets, A guided tour
These “prayer cards” will take your prayer life to a powerful dimension. They were decribed by some as “Prayer Cards on Steroids”. They have been developed by studying and consolidating ancient protocol of the Eastern Church, Desert fathers and Mt Sinai’s mystery traditions. Some of the modern scientific research confirms contemplation, cross and mirror “Gazing” can cause neuroplasticity due to the quick access into subconscious mind. The cards itself are powerless until the Christ in you engagers them. Gazinng and Visio Divina is the primary basis of this method of prayer. Seeing the “completed work” of the cross in situations that need prayer affords powerful results.
These prayer cards invites the sons of God to take authority of the lowly elements that rule the world. People enslaved under their authority through plagues, natural disasters, financial crisis etc. Romans 8 states that they (creation) is awaiting to be released from their bondage to serve the heirs of Salvation.
Contemplating on the prayer cards gives authority back in a precise order. It is a powerful tool for those in union with Christ. Prayer become precise and accurate and will add to the arsenal of those who love to pray.
Luminous Tablets © 2021 | All rights reserved by Wow Media Productions (Pvt) Ltd
Un-Boxing and Instruction video by Kirby de Lanerolle

Prayer Cards Tutorial

Introduction | Day 01

The Prayer Cards | Day 02

Detailing the Correspondence of Each Element | Day 03
Note : Day 4 session will not be here. It’ was an exclusive session for the WOWLife Transcend group. If you are part of that group go